
After shooting, you can web surf Online information right away!

After shooting by mobile phone, you can web surf right away!
Online information is mastered in one hand !

Now you download the mobile phone decoding program and access our website information anytime from your mobile phone!
The webpage will be adjusted automatically to the mobile phone page for your easy browsing!
[Grain Energy code] [download]

[How to install the QR code Reader]
Question: If my mobile phone has no QR code Reader, where can I download it?
Answer: Please first select the mobile phone system used:

1. If you use an iPhone, go to “ iTunes” to search for “i-nigma”, where you can download the free software.
2. If you use an Android series mobile phone, go to “market” to search for “bar-code scanner”,
where you  can download the free software.
3. For other mobile phone brand names, go to the following websites to download:

 3.1 install on mobile phone: use the mobile phone connecting to   or
※ A web connection fee is charged even though it is a free download.

3.2 install on computer: Use  or
(Chinese webpages) 
※ Download by following the registering procedure on each website, then transmit it to the mobile phon
by selecting one of either connection wire, bluetooth or infrared.

※The QR code Reader supported on each website is different.